Saturday, December 17, 2011


We didn't get out of the house much. Alex has a horrible cold and was a GROUCHY BEAST !
Swingin with Grandpa

Rock climbing at Signal Hill Park

 Feeling sick but doing better being outside.


Saturday, December 10, 2011


The preschool Christmas Program was this week. Sophie and Alex both did GREAT.
Sophie is all dressed up for the Christmas Program.

What a beautiful girl.

All ready to go to the Christmas Program

Here is Alex coming off stage after his brillant performance.


Super cute

Alex turned 3 on December 9. The whole family came over to celebrate.

All ready for the party.

Getting ready for the party.

Yummy Pizza .

 Mega block set. THANKS Uncle Jeff and Roberta ! 
I LOVE that it has 100 pieces !!!!

Guess who this is from.

Now for the good stuff !

Monday, December 5, 2011

WEEK 12 and 13

Karen and JP hosted another wonderful Thanksgiving Day. THANKS GUYS !

What BEAUTIFUL children.

Gobble Gobble

Ron getting liquored up.

JP and his favorite Father in Law.

Dane and Erin

Jeff and Naomi

Jeff and Sophie

Holland and Sophie

Jeff and Naomi

What a GREAT family photo !  Holland didn't want to stop playing to get her picture taken so she had a MINI MELTDOWN.
Holland hit it off with Jenny and had so much FUN playing.
    The Rieras
Thanksgiving is OVER and the tree is UP.

Alex is loving the decorations.

Sitting by the crackling fire.


 Playing in the mall

Just more pure CUTENESS

This ones for YOU JP !
 OMG....You have NO IDEA how hard it was to get three kidletts to take a picture with Santa. Sophie decided that she was to shy and Alex agreed with her. Holland wanted NOTHING to do with the man in red so we left the area. Then Sophie changed her mind and headed back to see Mr. Claus
 Sophie decides that she wants to have her picture taken. She not only got her picture taken but she also told Santa that her Crayons were broken and could he please bring her some new ones.

THEN THREE !       SUCCESS !!!! Good job kidletts !!
Tommie and I were SO TIRED after this photo shoot. We felt like VERY OLD GRANDMAS that needed to sit down
and have some WINE !!

Happy Holidays

Here is Sophie singing Jingle Bells...................SOPHIE STYLE !!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Nothing but fun fun fun this week !